Here's one of the custom bags I made this afternoon. It's funny cause when my coworker order these purses she said she wanted them exactly like this one. So that's what she getting. Of course I am doing various flowers, just to jazz them up a bit.
I also used a elastic hair pony and a covered button for the closure. I will be making coin pouches to go along with the bags, so that's what I will tackle tonight. I just can't miss SNL, cause my man is on, YAY!!
that's nice....
They look great! I bet it will feel nice to get that order done.
Oh, becky those are darling! What a great idea to use the ponytail holder!!! love it..
love the brown purse! they are both cute...and the pony tail holder is genius.
I finally made one of those little flowers, and if I had the time I would make a hundred, they are that cute!
What fun and original styles! They are both great!
Hey Becki - to respond to your comment re interfacing... if I use it, I usually just use the basic iron on stuff in a pretty heavy weight. But honestly, it drives me crazy, so I usually am just really careful to use heavy fabrics. Typically if my outside fabric is not a heavy weight I will use a really heavy canvas for the inside that can pretty much stand up on its own. But, with your purses that are usually from quilting cotton I could see how a good interfacing may be really important. On the plus though, you have a million and one fabric choices, while heavier weight fabric that is cool can be harder to come by. I will keep an eye out for the stuff you use though, I am curious! Plus there is always room for improvement!
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