It's called the Interchangeable2 bag (by Ellen Medlock) because the hardware actually screws on and off making it possible to make different bags to slide on and change up. What a clever idea! It's a dainty little bag, but it will be nice to carry something so small for a while before I'm trading it in for a large diaper bag!
You can choose two different styles/positions for the bag, I like the first one as it adds a little bulk to the bag. The second style is a more tailored look.
The other great thing about this bag is that once the handles are closed shut it locks the bag and none of the purse contents can spill out. I have plans to make some more bags to change out for the different seasons of the year...think Christmas, Easter, and so on. How fun is this?!?!
I chose fabric from Moda's Freebird collection by MoMo..just LOVE these color and design combos!!